
Welcome to Forest of Galtres Pre-School!

Forest of Galtres Pre-School is an Early Years education setting for children aged two to four years. Located at Forest of Galtres Primary School, it is staffed by a dedicated and experienced team. We aim to deliver outstanding provision for our children in a safe, friendly, calm and beautiful environment.

Within our setting, the children have ample opportunities to learn and explore through play, developing a range of skills they will need later in life. We have a fantastic indoor and outdoor learning environment, all focused on the needs of younger children.

We also welcome and support children who speak English as an additional language. Children who attend our pre-school are very well-prepared for starting school. 

Visitors are always welcome. Do come and meet us and see our provision – we would love to show you around!

Download our Pre-school leaflet to find out more (LF to create)


Tiny Toadstools (2-3 year old) sessions are every morning 8.30 am to 11.30am.

Fox Cubs (3-4 year olds) sessions are as follows:

Table with times below

We currently have vacancies , both in Tiny Toadstools (2–3 year olds) and Fox Cubs (3–4 year olds).

There is a pre-school intake in September, January and April, and children can often also start during a term if necessary.

We will work as flexibly as possible to meet your needs and hence children could attend whichever sessions are best for yourself.

A Pre-school day…

A typical session at Pre-school:

Table with timings below

The afternoon session also follows this pattern. All sessions are child-led allowing the children the freedom to explore their own interests.

How much does it cost?
2–3 year olds (Tiny Toadstools)

One three hour session: £12

Some parents may be eligible for up to 15 hours of free childcare a week, if they meet certain income criteria. A child can access a two-year old free early education place the term after their second birthday until the term after their third birthday.

3–4 year olds (Fox Cubs)

All parents are entitled to 15 hours of free childcare a week for their three-year old child. This is funded the term after the child’s third birthday. Any additional hours over 15 hours would be at a cost of £4 per hour.

Some working parents may be eligible for 30 hours extended entitlement, if they meet certain criteria. Any additional hours over 30 hours would be at a cost of £4 per hour.

Full information is available on the Yor-ok website and on the Government website

Supporting your child

We believe in an inclusive practice. Our early years team and colleagues throughout the school are very experienced in supporting children and young people with disabilities or additional needs.

Starting at pre-school

Starting school, at any stage can be a big step both for your child and you as a parent. You and your child will be invited to come and join in a session alongside the children who already attend the setting. This is a great chance for you and your child to get to know the adults and other children in the setting. These are free of charge and allow parents and staff to work closely together to support the children.

Visit us

Please do come and visit the early years setting and meet the team. We would be delighted to show you around. To make an appointment, please contact us by Email or telephone 01904 470272.

“Parents/Carers particularly like the positive relationship between home and school, the strong sense of community and the good progress that their children make academically.”

Ofsted (2019)