SEND Offer
We aim to provide a caring and supportive environment where every child matters. All pupils are valued equally and are given the opportunity to achieve the very best they can. The Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENDCo) ensures children receive the provision they need. Our school is supported by Trust Primary SENDCo, Rachel Mackay. If you have any concerns about your child please talk to the class teacher in the first instance or take a look through our parent’s guide to SEND. An appointment to see the SENDCo can be made through the class teacher or by emailing Rachel Mackay on
Sometimes children need additional support for some or all of their time at school. ‘Special Educational Needs and Disability’ (SEND) describes any learning difficulty which means a child needs extra ‘educational provision’. Children might have a learning difficulty if they:
- have significantly greater difficulty learning than the majority of children their age
- have a disability which hinders them using general school facilities in their area
- require special provisions to help them with learning or to help them attend school
Please contact Trust Primary SENDCo, Rachel Mackay, for any further information you require.
Further information